变异新冠病毒将成2021年新挑战 该如何去防控?
日前,一则 变异新冠病毒将成2021年新挑战 备受热议。据悉,世卫专家介绍称,变异新冠病毒将成2021年新挑战,其传染性更强。
In January 7th, novel coronavirus pneumonia, Klug, director of the European Regional Office of WHO, held an online press conference. It showed that the world had the vaccine and other new tools to cope with the new crown pneumonia epidemic in 2021. But it also faced new challenges such as virus mutation.
Of the 53 countries under the responsibility of the WHO Regional Office for Europe, 22 have identified new coronavirus variants. The mutated virus was more infectious and the severity of the disease remained unchanged.
He called on all countries to be vigilant, investigate and track abnormal rapid transmission events, unexpected disease manifestations or severe cases, increase systematic sequencing of mutated viruses, use sequencing data to promote early prevention, and share more data. Countries need to insist on wearing masks, limiting the number of social gatherings, keeping social distance and washing hands, supplemented by appropriate virus detection and tracking and other epidemic prevention measures.
